e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center

e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center offers comprehensive education in right relationship & empathic interaction with        Pacha Mama, La Madre Tierra, Mother plan e.t. earth.  the primary aim is enmeshing oneself in the sustainable agri-culture of producing plant-based, 'cruelty-free' food grown in harmony with nature, without the use of insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, GMO´s, etc.  this includes active composting as a valuable implement for building healthier soils (soil amendment).                                                                               

in addition to veganic gardening principles, e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center also practices & implements bio-intensive & veganic permaculture techniques as well.  the ultimate goal being to re-establish veganic forest gardens modeled after functioning forest ecosystems with enough diversity and structure to be a home for wildlife, while producing food for humans and non humans, coexisting together with minimal conflict.  whilst plant-based, 'cruelty-free' food security expresses itself in the only picture that really matters, e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center embodies & entails the imperative choice to willingly address the conditions for creating the realization of plant-based, 'cruelty-free' food security in our villages.  we yield to those who have walked the path before us.                                                                                                                                                                       ¨wherever there is a smooth road, there was once a rough road.¨















e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center offers free education/information on the solid waste hierarchy,                      Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.  this includes organizing neighborhood (including waterways & systems) clean-up days for garbage (basura), and creating recycling (reciclaje) & composting (compostaje) programs.

e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center offers Warmi Pacha Forest Kindergarten (a nature-based preschool) where             free children have an opportunity to experience (hands-on) their innate sense of awe & wonder for nature          via authentic play & emergent curiousity.

we honor those who have walked the path before us.



e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center offers free children an opportunity for a hands-on approach to experience a unique ¨Saturday Morning Live¨ interactive cartoon.  ´Tamarindo Super Sábado´ teaches children how to prepare plant-based, 'cruelty-free' food of a sustainable nature (alimentos libres de crueldad), including healthful juices (jugos), & smoothies (batidos).  the fun environment created also encourages children to ´actively participate´, while embracing their innate creative artistry & imagination thru painting/art, storytelling, dreamcasting, music playing & singing. 

e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. center offers e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. encomiendo Ecuamorthis is an outgrowth of the seeds planted by The One World Everybody Eats Foundation.  this is the wisdom to serve plant-based, 'cruelty-free'  food of a sustainable nature, let people choose their own portions and let them price those portions themselves.  this unique service allows pay what you can prices, seasonal no menu, plant-based, 'cruelty-free' cuisine, living wages, minimal food waste and healthy plant-based, 'cruelty-free' meals that are within everyone’s reach. 


offers e.a.r.t.h.e.a.r.t. Ecuatour 
experience the sun, the moon, & you r self in a new, creative, & fun way. 
bring your dreams forward into the realized Now.
if interested, please contact: eartheart@protonmail.ch